About Me
About Me & My Mission

Hi, I'm Esther Yiyi
I am a solutions architect, published author, speaker, mentor, life coach and Stephen Minister who has been serving individuals and women especially for more than two decades. Most importantly, I am my Father’s daughter, standing in the gap and listening to serve you! Nature’s code is loaded with solutions; we need to work together to get the solution to your challenge.
Together, we will naturally and safely reveal the root causes and solutions to the challenges of your life.
I will encourage you to know yourself and befriend yourself and understand yourself from many dimensions. Your self-knowledge code will naturally activate your success.
We will uncover subtle foundational elements and missing prerequisites that have limited your success leading to relationship failure, wellness failure and failure in life aspirations.
You may have one need: health issues or success strategies in your area of challenge, or spiritual coaching or all three. We can work together so you reclaim your life and serve in your life purpose or just live a joyful life.
I can assist you get more life fulfillment, live your purpose, impact the lives of your family, coworkers and community and have fun doing it.
My Mission
I help people achieve life mastery and reclaim their lives: having fulfilling relationships with themselves and others, being healthy and wealthy, creating their dreams, making an impact and being happy. They can see the interconnectedness of their lives, and how to create their desired success, reclaim their lives, create their dreams, make an impact, and have fun doing so.
In the difficulties of my own life’s journey and getting the support needed to see clearly, I learned strategies that would impact not just my life but others’ also. Using the medium of books, coaching and speaking, I share those strategies. Lessons taught through stories are easier to relate to, learn and remember.